The Secret Factor Impacting Your Gut Health

Nature teaches us that winter is the time of year for rest and respite. Animals eat densely nutritious foods and hibernate. Many trees lose their leaves and fruit, shedding the responsibility of these adornments and the nutrition they require. We can take a lesson from nature during this time of year. It’s colder, it’s darker, and the days are shorter. We aren’t meant to be expending much energy, and many of us don’t realize how much nourishment and Qi our thinking patterns tend to eat up.

July 8th, 2016|

The 5 Emotions That May Be Ruining Your Internals (& therefore your health).

By now, we all know that stress can have negative effects on our physical well-being, but did you know that all of our emotions can play a part in our physical functioning? Chinese medicine recognizes these connections, and can help explain why addressing emotional health is so vital to caring for our bodies. The following describes five primary emotions and how they relate to our internal organs.

June 20th, 2016|

Sarah’s tips on staying warm and well this winter

Now that we have officially said goodbye to the hot weather, it is important for us to stay warm and dry. For the sake of your immune system, here are several tips for staying warm and well during this chilly season.

Keep your feet warm! Wearing thick cotton socks will ensure that your feet stay warm, while still being able to breathe. Make sure you are wearing appropriate shoes on rainy days so you aren’t sogging around in wet shoes all day. Around the house, avoid going barefoot and instead choose cozy socks or house shoes. It takes more effort for your heart to maintain circulation (and therefore warmth) in your extremities. By keeping your tootsies warm, you are encouraging good circulation, conserving energy, and minimizing this venue of overall body heat loss.

May 31st, 2016|
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