Our Acupuncturist, Mitch Holland has dropped in to share his knowledge on your thyroid – what it does, why you need it to be in optimum working order and best of all, how you can use diet and lifestyle to steer it in the direction of health.  We see so  many patients who’s hormones are imbalanced, stemming back to poor thyroid function.  We love helping people return to health here at The Pagoda Tree.  To learn more, read on.

Thyroid health is imperative to systemic wellbeing. The thyroid hormones secreted into the bloodstream play key roles in cellular protein synthesis – specifically the DNA structure and reproduction in our cells. These little hormones are called T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine), but that’s not all they do. As well as governing our cells health they also transport electolytes, regulate cardiac and muscle activity, improve metabolism, assist mental processes, balance libido and help regulate menstrual cycles. These are some of the bodies most prominent functions and when they are inflamed or underactive we notice them – and now know to look to the thyroid.