How best to utilise Acupuncture for IVF.


Assisted conception is becoming more and more common and many people believe that IVF automatically results in pregnancy.  However as anyone involved in fertility will tell you, conception is not always easy and there are a number of things that can affect fertility. 

IVF is costly, so to be better prepared is not only good for your health, but also your wealth.  Research suggests that people who receive Acupuncture pre and post IVF procedures, better their chances of a successful full term pregnancy.   Acupuncture during IVF is time sensitive though, so what is the best timing for your acupuncture appointments and the reasoning behind them???

April 18th, 2018|

Just how does acupuncture really improve my fertility?

Even though it is not always asked during your initial consultation, we know that at The Pagoda Tree, patients are so regularly curious love to know how Acupuncture can help you.  So in the following article, I will attempt to condense 2,500 years of cumulative knowledge it to 10 simple points, on how Acupuncture can help your fertility. 

Before I pull this off though, let me outline a couple of things.  When talking to a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, we will often talk in two different languages.  The first is in western medical terms, talking about hormone regulation or certain nutrients and vitamins that will benefit fertility.  And the second is in TCM terms, talking about metaphysical things such as Qi or different stagnations that can make it difficult to conceive.  

Here at The Pagoda Tree all the practitioners have a background in health science first and then specialize in Acupuncture and/or Chinese herbs, so we will always explain things to you in a clear manner in these two languages.

With the insertion of super fine needles into specific points of the body Acupuncturists have the ability to assist in healing and regulating a number of different medical conditions and help boost fertility.

Ok, got it?  Then lets begin.

July 16th, 2016|
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