Mandarin Peel – Winter’s magical wonder

The magical herbal tea that helps with so much!

It’s winter, so that means it is mandarin season!! I love all things citrus, but mandarins, in their perfect little natural packaging, are probably my most favourite. Not only do they taste amazing and refreshing, give us a good dose of much needed vitamin C and are nice and hydrating but the peel is packed full of the goods too!

June 30th, 2016|

Sarah’s tips on staying warm and well this winter

Now that we have officially said goodbye to the hot weather, it is important for us to stay warm and dry. For the sake of your immune system, here are several tips for staying warm and well during this chilly season.

Keep your feet warm! Wearing thick cotton socks will ensure that your feet stay warm, while still being able to breathe. Make sure you are wearing appropriate shoes on rainy days so you aren’t sogging around in wet shoes all day. Around the house, avoid going barefoot and instead choose cozy socks or house shoes. It takes more effort for your heart to maintain circulation (and therefore warmth) in your extremities. By keeping your tootsies warm, you are encouraging good circulation, conserving energy, and minimizing this venue of overall body heat loss.

May 31st, 2016|

The number 1 soup during winter


Ok, so there wasn’t a Eurovision soup contest recently, but if there was, surely Miso Soup would be number 1.

If you have been in for an appointment recently, you have probably already heard me preaching about the benefits of adding Miso soup to your winter menu, but if not, lend me your ears as I spread the good word of Miso.

Miso soup is the small soup that often comes as a free accompaniment when you order a Japanese meal.  It can be eaten/drank for breakfast, lunch and dinner or as a replacement for snacks, tea or coffee.  It is a savory soup made from fermented soybeans, that usually also contains tofu, seaweed and onion, but it is versatile enough to add seasonal vegetables or meat.

Why is it so great for me though? Good lead in question…

May 19th, 2016|
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